We are pleased to announce a price reduction for our decaf matcha.
Decaf matcha is a product with very few sellers worldwide, and many of you may have discovered our site through this unique offering.
However, due to the limited demand for decaf matcha, we have been able to produce it only on a very small scale, resulting in high production costs, which have been reflected in our pricing until now. We have also received feedback from customers who are interested in decaf matcha but find the price too high.
We recognize that keeping the price high may prevent decaf matcha from reaching a wider audience, which is necessary for us to move to the next stage of production. Therefore, we have decided to proactively reduce the price to what we anticipate will be sustainable if our production facilities can scale up in the future.
We encourage you to take this opportunity to consider making a purchase.
Please note that this price reduction is part of a promotion, so we may revert to the original pricing.
The more customers purchase, the more stable our supply of decaf matcha will become. So, if you are interested, we would greatly appreciate your participation in our referral program.
Thank you.